Sunday, November 29, 2009


Well we went to Austin for Thanksgiving and visited the in-laws. We had a great time hanging out and feasting all the excellent food! The ccompany was good as always, there were many great conversations, and the Cowboys won so all was well in the world! We really don't get up to Austin often enough, but I'm hoping with the new job that will change.

Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, much too quickly I might add, the Christmas tree is up and it's time to get those outside lights up and burning. Although they're a pain to set-up, they are a labor of love. What is Christmas without the twinling lights and ceerful tunes that cause us to whistle along and reminisce of days gone by and loved ones we wish were still among us.

Today Angela and I went out and started out Christmas shopping for the kids. I always like watching their faces as they open their gifts. I even found some 5.56 ammo for one of my rifles, made me happy although Ang had to give me the expected eye roll.

Time to go for now, home made chicken soup is calling and I cannot refuse.    

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Favorite Time of Year!

Well here we are, in another beautiful holiday season! The weather here in south central Texas is wonderful, cool days and nights, big blue Texas skies and the smell of holiday coking abounds. I belive that Thanksgiving through New Year day are magical days. Already we have had our thanksgiving day luncheon at work; scrumptiousI might add. This week is the big day. Family converging. story telling, sharing food and good spirits and Christmas is right aound the corner.

During this time of year, please remeber the reason behind the season. Lets remember those who are no longer with us and keep them in our prayers. No need to be sad, just remember how much they loved this time o year also. Be careful out there and love one another.

And finally, lets remember the brave men and women serving our breat cuntry both here and over seas, especially those in harm's way. Freedom is granted to us by those who would put themselves in front of danger to protect our liberties. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and I hope our Christmas is just as wonderful!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ever Here Of The Radical Cloward-Piven Strategy?

Yeah, I heard of it, even read about it some. Yesterday I really read about it because I have been hearing about how this plan seems to be in affect when our economy and state of affairs are considered. There is a lot of information ou there about the strategy and everywhere I seardched the info was the same. I have provided a couple links if you're interested in some enlightenment. I for one am very disgusted with the direction our country is headed!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fort Hood

Well they held the memorial today for our poor soldiers gunned down in cold blood. The messiah was there and some other from the "Hill" for their photo ops. The dirty bastard that did it ishas lawyered up and they're already sqwuaking mental BS! Yeah, he is mental but he knew what he was doing and he needs to be sent to his Allah ASAP!

Now the folks in DC along with their lap dog state run media are trying to call it what it isn't. Of course it's a crime, but it damn sure is too a terrorist act! I say keep the needle for the vacine Obama and his cronies want to give to the "vicitims" in Gitmo and use an old rope on the bastard! Hang'im high!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Potential Eagle Scout

Well it looks like my oldest son is inching closer toward completing his Eagle Scout project. I couldn't be more proud of him for even attempting the often times daunting task. Before we arrived to this stage of his Boy Scout career I knew the process would be difficult, but once undertaken I have a new found respect for those who have actually completed this process and have been awarded the coveted Eagle SCout rank/badge!

The good thing about him kocking it out is the next two will be easier once we make it through the myriad of bureaucratic mazes and phases (yep, even in the scouts). I tell you it's like putting together a business plan/proposal. At least he was lucky enough to receive full funding for his project.

What is he actually going to do you ask? He is going to renovate the church's bar-b-que pavillion (replace torn tin roof panels, cut a wall and hinge it so it can fold down into a serving table; paint the pavillion), build a new picnic table, and finally, build a patio using paving stones. If all goes well it should be accomplished in two weekends.

The kicker is though, we first have to get through the Scout Board with their approval for the project and their blessing on his (required) very detailed plan/proposal with before and after pictures, hours spent per volunteer that helps, and a bunch of other information they want to know.

Wish him luck my friends!